Mission Statement
Black Lines Publishing was established in 2018; It was designed to build long-lasting relationships with our readers one book at a time.

Carlotta Arradondo received her Human Services certificate from Minneapolis Community and Technical College. Throughout her studies she felt conflicted. She had a desire to write, but she loved helping people in need. But she soon realized that writing was her passion and decided to pursue a career in it. She quickly immersed herself into writing and started making connections with other authors, publishers and editors. Through these relationships, she was able to further develop her writing skills and gain knowledge about the publishing industry. Carlotta Arradondo is a multifaceted writer who has found success in both helping others and achieving her own goals. Carlotta's dedication and passion for writing will undoubtedly continue to inspire others for years to come!
Carlotta's passion for writing has been the driving force behind her success. Her bold and innovative approach to publishing has pushed the boundaries of self-publishing, and she hopes to open doors for aspiring authors. She is a testament to what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and sheer determination. Carlotta is an inspiration to all who are looking to make their dreams a reality. Through her passion and commitment to writing, Carlotta Arradondo has a desire to help others realize their potential.
Keep an eye out for Carlotta's upcoming work. Her latest project, SAFER AMONG STRANGERS: A COLLECTION OF THREE SHORT STORIES, is sure to be an exciting read. This collection of stories highlights the resilience and strength of those who find themselves in unfamiliar territory.
Whether you're an aspiring author looking to get your work in print or a reader ready to take an exciting journey through someone else's words, Black Lines Publishing has something for you!
Thank you for taking the time to read about Carlotta Arradondo and Black Lines Publishing. No matter what stage of your writing journey, rest assured that Black Lines Publishing is here for you every step of the way! From manuscript review to professional editing services, front and back cover layout, interior design, copyright protection services, ISBNS and barcodes- we provide a plethora of services to help perfect your work. With our dedication to providing quality literature. Black Lines Publishing is sure to become one of your top choices for your publishing needs.
Stay connected and don’t forget to explore Black Lines Publishing to see what we have to offer! We look forward to hearing from you!

Black Lines Publishing Is dedicated to offering quality books and gifts that you’ll be sure to love. In the future Black Lines Publishing will offer a wider variety of books for you to choose from.
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Book Publishing Services:
Black Lines Publishing is committed to providing quality book publishing services to new and-aspiring authors who have a desire to write and get their work in print.
These services will include but not limited to the following:
• Manuscript review
• professional editing services
• Front and back cover layout
• Interior design
• copyright protection services
• Barcodes
These are a few services Black Lines Publishing will provide to help you polish your manuscript and have it looking book ready in no time.
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Black Lines Publishing is your one stop shop for books, blogs, gifts and your future publishing needs.
Black Lines Publishing is committed to delivering creative literary works, through fresh new voices that address the needs of our community and our world. Thank you for your purchase.